An ESP8266 acts as wifi modem. Out of the box, it implements a serial protocol that is used to control its networking functions. An Arduino Pro Mini is master in the system and is responsible for monitoring the buttons and communicating with the ESP8266 to perform the desired action.

#include <avr/sleep.h>
#define GREEN_COLUMN 2
#define RED_COLUMN 3
#define FIRST_ROW A3
#define SECOND_ROW A2
#define THIRD_ROW A1
int activeButton = 0;
void green_isr() { ... }
void red_isr() { ... }
void setup()
digitalWrite(FIRST_ROW, 0);
digitalWrite(SECOND_ROW, 0);
digitalWrite(THIRD_ROW, 0);
// Low power mode, no ADC
ADCSRA &= ~(1<<ADEN);
void loop()
if (activeButton == 0) {
attachInterrupt(0, green_isr, LOW);
attachInterrupt(1, red_isr, LOW);
else {
You may notice that I don't use CLI and SEI before SLEEP which is necessary to make sure I don't miss an interrupt. This would have been required with for example interrupt mode FALLING but with interrupt mode LOW new interrupts keep getting generated and it doesn't matter if one is missed. We need the button to be pushed for longer than one interrupt anyway as we need some time to figure out which button is pressed, which leads us to the next step.

#define GREEN1 5
#define GREEN2 7
#define GREEN3 9
#define RED1 4
#define RED2 6
#define RED3 8
int greens[4] = {0, GREEN1, GREEN2, GREEN3};
int reds[4] = {0, RED1, RED2, RED3};
int scanRow = 0;
void green_isr()
if (scanRow != 0) {
activeButton = greens[scanRow];
void red_isr()
if (scanRow != 0) {
activeButton = reds[scanRow];
void loop()
digitalWrite(FIRST_ROW, 1);
digitalWrite(SECOND_ROW, 1);
digitalWrite(THIRD_ROW, 1);
scanRow = 1;
digitalWrite(FIRST_ROW, 0);
digitalWrite(FIRST_ROW, 1);
scanRow = 2;
digitalWrite(SECOND_ROW, 0);
digitalWrite(SECOND_ROW, 1);
scanRow = 3;
digitalWrite(THIRD_ROW, 0);
digitalWrite(THIRD_ROW, 1);
scanRow = 0;
digitalWrite(FIRST_ROW, 0);
digitalWrite(SECOND_ROW, 0);
digitalWrite(THIRD_ROW, 0);
The interrupt will be triggered when the correct row output is toggled. This results in an assignment of activeButton and the program moves to the second phase where the ESP8266 is started and instructed to do an HTTP request.
The serial data received from ESP8266 is written to a small circular buffer. Whenever a carriage return ("\r") is detected the buffer is inspected to see if we have received a message that we are interested in. The following messages will trigger an action in the code.
Whenever "ready" or "OK" is received, a command will be sent to the ESP8266. A normal exchange looks something like this.
< ready\r
> AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n
< OK\r
> AT+CWJAP="SSID","password"\r\n
< GOT IP\r
< OK\r
> AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n
< OK\r
> AT+CIPSTART=0,"TCP","",8081\r\n
< OK\r
> AT+CIPSEND=0,31\r\n
< OK\r
> GET /on?group=Nere HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n
< OK\r
< OK\r
Note the HTTP GET and the dual CRLF which executes the command on the web server. The second "OK" thereafter is part of the response from the web server.
The messages "CLOSED", "FAIL" and "ERROR" terminates the communication, turns off the ESP8266 and puts the Arduino back in sleep mode. There is also a timeout condition that does the same.
#define ESP32_CS 10
#define ESP32_RST 11
unsigned long start = 0;
byte next = 0;
#define BUFSZ 16
byte buffer[BUFSZ] = { 0 };
byte ready[5] = { 'r', 'e', 'a', 'd', 'y' };
byte gotip[6] = { 'G', 'O', 'T', ' ', 'I', 'P' };
byte ok[2] = { 'O', 'K' };
byte connect[7] = { 'C', 'O', 'N', 'N', 'E', 'C', 'T' };
byte closed[6] = { 'C', 'L', 'O', 'S', 'E', 'D' };
byte fail[4] = { 'F', 'A', 'I', 'L' };
byte error[5] = { 'E', 'R', 'R', 'O', 'R' };
byte cmd = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(ESP32_CS, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ESP32_RST, OUTPUT);
void allOff()
digitalWrite(GREEN1, 1);
digitalWrite(GREEN2, 1);
digitalWrite(GREEN3, 1);
digitalWrite(RED1, 1);
digitalWrite(RED2, 1);
digitalWrite(RED3, 1);
bool received(byte* msg, byte n)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (buffer[ ( BUFSZ + next - (n+1) + i ) % BUFSZ ] != msg[i]) {
return 0;
return 1;
bool activeIsGreen()
return activeButton == GREEN1 || activeButton == GREEN2 || activeButton == GREEN3;
void loop()
if (activeButton == 0) {
digitalWrite(ESP32_CS, 0);
digitalWrite(ESP32_RST, 0);
start = millis();
else {
digitalWrite(ESP32_CS, 1);
digitalWrite(ESP32_RST, 1);
digitalWrite(activeButton, 0);
if (Serial.available())
buffer[ ( next++ ) % BUFSZ ] = Serial.read();
if (buffer[ ( BUFSZ + next-1 ) % BUFSZ ] == '\r') {
if (received(ok, sizeof(ok))) {
if (cmd == 1) {
else if (cmd == 2) {
cmd = 3;
else if (cmd == 3) {
else if (cmd == 4) {
cmd = 5;
if (activeIsGreen()) {
else {
else if (cmd == 5) {
cmd = 6;
if (activeIsGreen()) {
Serial.print("GET /on?group=Nere HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n");
else {
Serial.print("GET /off?group=Nere HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n");
else if (cmd == 6) {
cmd = 7;
// Wait for HTTP GET 200 OK
else if (cmd == 7) {
cmd = 8;
else if (received(ready, sizeof(ready))) {
cmd = 1;
digitalWrite(activeIsGreen() ? RED1 : GREEN1, 0);
else if (received(gotip, sizeof(gotip))) {
cmd = 2;
digitalWrite(activeIsGreen() ? RED2 : GREEN2, 0);
start = millis();
else if (received(connect, sizeof(connect))) {
cmd = 4;
digitalWrite(activeIsGreen() ? RED3 : GREEN3, 0);
start = millis();
else if (received(closed, sizeof(closed)) ||
received(fail, sizeof(fail)) ||
received(error, sizeof(error))) {
cmd = 0;
activeButton = 0;
else if (millis() - start > 8000UL) {
cmd = 0;
activeButton = 0;
Worth noting here is the timeout expression "millis() - start > 8000UL" which always works, especially when the number of millseconds rolls over to zero. A slightly different expression like "millis() > start + 8000UL" does not work as expected close to the rollover point.
As you can see, I have the same action on all green and red buttons, but this can easily be extended with a couple of if statements where the command is sent.
The three LED buttons of the opposite color of the one being pushed are used as a tiny progress bar.
To reduce the power consumption in idle mode I removed the power indicator LEDs from the Arduino and the ESP8266.

$ socat -v /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyUSB1
It is highly recommended as a debugging tool.